Clients’ Feedback – Outplacement & Career Transition Coaching
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5. Samples of senior management and other job position holders Harold’s Team have helped
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“At the planning phase, your insights and input on how the downsizing exercise affecting several to-be-separated employees of diverse nationalities and functions could be professionally and sensitively managed were very useful. We especially appreciate your advice on developing a well-planned process effective communication tools and the coaching given to our managers who have to conduct the difficult separation meeting with outgoing employees. I am also very pleased to hear from our out-placed employees, both the management and rank and file staff that the career transition programs have helped them rebuilt their confidence, morale and careers.”
… A Dutch VP for HR of a global food retailing and operation of supermarket
“On behalf of the Group of Companies, I would like to express our sincere thanks to you and your team for providing excellent outplacement services to our affected staff during the merger of two major UK insurance companies, coupled with the acquiring of a third company. You have handled the counselling process very professionally. Thank you once again for helping our staff to cope positively with their leaving of service.”
… HR Director of an international financial and insurance organization
“I wish to express my sincere thanks to you for your professional advice and working with me relating to my company’s sales and marketing reorganization. My Managing Director appreciates your personal coaching that you provided to him. We sincerely appreciate your accommodation to arrange your time to meet us at short notices despite your busy schedule. The plan and advice that you gave us has helped us managed the sensitive situation with care and maintain the management integrity. Hence, the reorganization has led to minimal negative impact on our employee’s morale. From our casual conversation with the tow affected senior executives, I have also received positive feedback about your personal coaching and counselling. Personally, I believe that you have helped them overcome their personal challenges and transit to their next career. Thank you!”
…. Director, HR of a Leading Global Publisher
“I would like to place on record our appreciation for your professional services on the projects that we have worked in partnership over the two years. We were particularly impressed with the process and professionalism in the management of the outplacement program. It was a painful exercise for those out-placed as well as the management team conducting the severance. The well-planned process, the communication tools employed and exit interview coaching helped the Company team managed the high tension situation exceedingly well. On the other hand, you and your team of counsellors offered great comfort t affected staff and that helped stabilized emotion. the follow-up counselling programs for out-placed staff resulted in some having regained self-confidence and have positioned themselves to move on. Most found jobs within three to four months while others have taken on hobby business. Even today, some are till contact with the HR Group, which proves that the event did not generate any ill feeling. Finally, the change workshop for the remaining staff was useful as they came away understanding the accepting the need for change.”
… Manager, HR & Administration of a well-established Petroleum Refinery organization
“Please accept our sincerest appreciation for your help with our project, Reduction-In-Force. Your high level of professionalism and dedication in handling our outplacement requirements and guiding us through this period of transition as the company continued to focus its effort to accelerate to profitability is very much appreciated. Most importantly, your wealth of knowledge and experience as well as the manner in which you managed the sensitive issues pertaining to this project was an invaluable resource. Thank you for your excellent support!”
– HR & Finance Manager of US-based MNC in the Semiconductor, Storage and Networking Industry
“On behalf of the senior management, I wish to express our appreciation to you and your team for the professional service rendered at our restructuring exercise. Your insights and advice in the pre-planning process and the Coaching Manager Sessions have been most enlightening and useful. More importantly, you and your team’s dedication and commitment have been instrumental in the success of this outplacement exercise. Our staff have provided feedback that they have benefitted greatly and they now have renewed confidence in managing their career transitions. Once again, thank you”.
… VP, HR Division of a major Financial Exchange Institution
“We have particularly appreciated the way you have challenged our thinking without ever pushing too hard. You have questioned us and not to taken the first “no” for an answer, but you’ve always known when to stop and never gone too far. You also helped us a great deal in understanding the employment practices that are typical in Singapore and how to adapt to the prevailing cultura norms. You and your team have given our people the confidence that help and support is on hand. You have also been able to offer them a wide range of services to help them deal with the transition and move on to new roles. I have also appreciated your flexibility n trust when it has come to the contractual side of our work together. I thank you again for your help and support.
… A British HR Director, International Businesses of an International Healthcare company
“Sometime early this year, we had the unfortunate task to have to make redundant a member of our senior management team who was just not a good fit for our organization. He did not take the news positively and was depressed even though the organization gave him quite ample time to transit out. We decided to contact Mr. Harold Kwan who was a senior expert in outplacement services to assist us in his transition. Harold contacted the incumbent and started working with him through a period of a few months to assist him in his career transition out of the university. He spent time working with him to change his mental min set and to help him re-adjust to new opportunities and options in his life apart from his current job. Immediately after the first session, we saw visible results. After a few sessions, he began to regain his confidence and our team was quite surprised to see the change in him from being so negatively impacted to being very positive before he left. Before he departed, he managed to secure a few job opportunities which Harold helped to make it possible for him.”
…. Senior HR Director of a major university
“We are very pleased with your excellent outplacement and coaching services. Your advice to our managers at the planning stage has helped us managed the communication process for the separation well. We also thank you for the prompt and regular update you have provided us on the progress of the separated employee. As a client, we would like to express our appreciation for your professional assistance and once again commend you for the fine manner in which you handed this matter.
…. Regional HR Manager of a global Fire & Security Manufacturer and Services Provider
“You and your team have successfully handled several significant and delicate projects in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and China, providing the required services on a timely and competent fashion. We have found you organization to be totally reliable and operating under the highest stands and business ethics.”
…. Vice President of a US Partner in California
“Harold’s Team has been an outstanding global partner. As we worked through a difficult global economy, we needed a global partner that could respond with urgency and efficiency. In addition, because of the diversity of clients and industries we serve, we needed an organization that could exhibit flexibility and at times, even creativity. Harold’s Team provided all of that to us as we partnered in Malaysia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore. Harold and his Team were responsive, thoroughly prepared and incredibly knowledgeable. Whether providing services to senior level people or workshops to non- exempts, they had the right team in place to support our clients’ needs. Thank you Harold!”
…. General/Vice President of a US Partner in Michigan
“Thank you for walking through with us in the recent retrenchment exercise. We appreciated your professional coaching, advice and feedback. The careful planning, taken into consideration your expert and tested recommendations had enabled us to manage the unpleasant situation with confident and ease.”
…. Controller, Finance, Admin & Human Resource of a Japanese MNC
“Our sincere thanks to you and your team for providing professional outplacement services to our affected staff in our recent restructuring exercise. We value your guidance, advice and sharing of your personal experiences, which has helped us to implement the restructuring exercise in a responsive, timely and professional manner. The feedback we received from our affected staff was that your Consultants have handled the counselling process professionally and have also assisted them to move on and prepare for their next career transition.”
…. An American CEO of a MNC general insurance company
“Thank you and your team for the commendable support in providing the outplacement and counselling services for our affected employees in our recent manpower Re-sizing effort. More importantly, we appreciate your spending long hours in the brainstorming sessions in the planning stage with the HR Team. We value your advice, guidance and sharing of your personal experiences, which has helped us to implement the re-sizing action in a responsive, timely and professional manner.
… VP Human Resources for a global wafer fab operation
“Thanks to you and your team for your support during the recent shutdown of our manufacturing site in Singapore. Employee feedback has generally been very positive. They told us that they felt you’re your comprehensive program gave them the necessary tools that they needed to support their job search and gave them confidence that they could and would be successful in pursuing their next career.”
…. An American VP, Human Resources of a global leading specialty foundry
“Your Team’s ability to meet our needs and put forth high quality recommendations to challenge our thinking is very much appreciated. Redundancy is never a pleasant experience for both the company and the individuals, but you have worked in partnership with us to make this transition as manageable as possible.”
…. Senior VPHR of a Leading Utilities Provider
“Harold is a professional listener who understands the emotional impact of career change and the potential opportunities such change can give; a stimulating sparring partner to formulate and analyze the next phase of development or a new career; a friendly stimulator to push you to think outside the box, think of all (even unconventional) options and reach for your real ambition. Thank you very much Harold, it has been a pleasure going through this process jointly with you.”
……European Executive Director with a major Australian Bank
“With your professional background in the human capital and executive coaching sector across industries, you understand well the strategic, commercial and organizational aspects of the business world, as well as what it means for an executive like me to transition and more broadly to manage consistently and constantly one’s career. Your ability to relate and understand me as a person, my particular situation, the type of organization I have worked for, enabled you to leverage and use your experience and skilled approach to ask the right questions and importantly so at the right time. This has been very useful for me to further define what is important to me for my professional career today and along the next 20 years. The tools, methods and processes you have offered have also been a very important guide for me to reflect on our sessions and in turn structure my plans, be it for today’s job search or more importantly for how I shall plan the major milestones over the next 20 years of my career, and beyond. Your approach and style are pragmatic and genuine as well as result driven and experience based, which creates a prefect mix for someone who after 20 years needs to take a step back and reflect on what’s important, what’s to be aimed for.”
… French with a Singaporean wife was the ……Senior MD, Head of Asia Pacific with a world’s leading and diverse derivatives marketplace
“Thank you for the advice and consultation you’ve given me as part of my executive outplacement services. Since I have not been in the job market for over twenty years, I was not fully prepared to market myself. Your candid and supportive consultation has helped me to be confident that I will be able to find a rewarding new position. I appreciate how you adjusted your program to meet my needs and fit my schedule.”
American CEO and China Country Manager of a major USA power energy MNC
“Firstly, I would like to thank you for your friendship and counsel especially in the first week. I am so glad I called you. I especially found the following very useful and relevant:
– setting personal 5-year goals
– positioning & preparing myself for prospective employers at interviews
– re-evaluating the employer-employee relationship
It triggered off a whole series of thinking and you’ll agree it is a continuous process.
For me, it was good that we were able to discuss important issues at deeper level and go beyond the check-list approach. Thank you again. Let’s keep in touch, and I hope we can work together or exchange notes on a personal basis. Please call me when you are visiting Shanghai or Beijing.”
… Singaporean with Monsanto as China Country Manager
“The several rounds of discussions with Harold, a professional career coach have certainly provided very good insights for me in negotiating, choosing the best job options. The useful parts were:
1) Input on what is material / non-material on contract, and its implications – something only an experienced HR practitioner know
2) Understanding range and depth of benefits
3) Understanding steps and timing of interview-to-offer process – to maximize candidate negotiating position
4) tips and tricks recruiters use
And what had been most helpful was the holistic frame you provided to help a candidate like myself to evaluate and decide from multiple offers, especially very competitive ones.”
– VP of a major local international Bank having two great offers around S$300K annual package
“Harold, yes I am so busy these days. Happily busy and it is so different now from any work I have ever done and now more motivated at work. …I think it was a subtle shift that occurred in how I approached my career that was the main difference that I gained from our interactions.”
… Singaporean F&B Operations Senior Manager moving successfully over to become Operations Director into the Insurance Industry with a UK MNC.
“Harold, may I honestly say to you that during my outplacement consultancy with you last time, I have learned a lot too from you. It has since really broadened not only my job knowledge, but also my love to my family has deeply increased as well. This is also highly important.” “I must add that the marketing letter approach you introduced to me really helped.”
…Indonesian Financial Controller of a major Pharmaceutical US MNC
“I have very fond memories of you helping me through what now seems a part of modern day career management but at the time after 23 years with my head in the corporate sand seemed very daunting. You removed my blinkers and allowed me to look at myself and the world in a different way. Since we last met, I’ve owned 1/3 of a business and now find myself:
(a) back in corporate but with three large organisations chasing me
(b) building my own business in my spare time
(c) being chased to act as an agent for several contacts I’ve made along the way. Best regards.”
……British APAC Head of a global UK multi-channel distribution group
“The approach and methodology applied by HK3 was invaluable in preparing me for the near, mid and long term strategy that should be applied by everybody in their career management, regardless of age or seniority”
British GM of a global distribution company
“I was, for the first time in my career, confronted with the situation that I had no job, no motivation, and no idea what to do with the rest of my life. Harold helped me to get back on track. Many thanks”
German Business Owner’s business had a setback and successfully transformed his career future
Harold said “congratulations to your success in securing a new position!” and my senior candidate replied “Not possible without your help, Harold” ..Singaporean Regional Marketing Director with a US MNC in the chemical industry
“Harold…. it was a pleasure meeting you. You are an astute business man. The program is enjoyable, educational, enlightening, exciting……The resume is extremely important and the value is having your experienced eyes vet and polishing it into a powerful resume. The course materials were excellent source of information. Having the opportunity to discuss the interview questions with you was are real eye opener as it made me think of questions being asked and the type of responses required during interview.”
… Canadian Distribution Director of Medical Equipment and Devices operating in Bangkok
“Many thanks for all your guidance over the last few months. The single biggest thing I have learned is the power of networking.”
“Generally I received more response to my job applications after I sent in the one-page marketing letter highlighting achievements as compared to previously, when I sent a detailed resume providing description of my work experience. The process of putting together the marketing letter also renewed my confidence when I came to realize that I really had contributed much more in my previous roles than I had thought I did. During the interview sessions, I was comfortable explaining all the good work I did as these were now all “fresh” in my mind (as if they only happened yesterday and not years ago) – all thanks to the time and effort you asked me to spend in developing the marketing letter. My sincere thanks, Harold.”
“As time passes, I realize more and more how important the hours were that we spent together. My new job and direction are a big improvement in so many ways. You don’t know what it means to me to enjoy my working environment again, and to regain my self-confidence. I have a lot to thank you for.”
…..Swedish Marketing Director of a major German FMCG operating in Singapore successfully moved on as GM role in Japan
“just want to let you know, I have an offer from Samsung on the table ( just need to sign it , which I will do ) , as Senior Manager Technical Support ASEAN. Many thanks to you, I would never even get near something like this without your help. I have learned many things from you.”
…..German Technical Specialist with wife and one grown up kid studying in Germany, having spent over ten years in Singapore running his own firm wanting to continue his career in Asia, preferably Singapore.
Our sessions were excellent! It is great to hear real life stories of other people whom you have helped. It gives me confidence in my ability to find a path for myself, which is very crucial given the uncertainties ahead of me. I have walked away energized after both my sessions with you!
… American Regional Strategy Director (APAC) with a global chemical industry
“Harold was a real asset in helping me optimize and refine what the next steps should be in my career. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a career coach.”
…British Managing Editor with an investment advisory firm
“Thanks Harold, I have learned much from you and I will hold what you have shared with me close, as a constant reminder on how I should negotiate my career path.”
…Director, Facilities & Operations based in Singapore
“I really appreciate your valuable thoughts and comments in this career development program. It helps us understand the expectations of the companies hiring and the skills needed to face interviews and clear them too. The programme is enjoyable, educational, enlightening, exciting. The course materials were excellent source of information. Having the opportunity to discuss the interview questions with you was are real eye opener as it made me think of questions being asked and the type of responses required during interview.”
To be precise the interview tips will help everyone who attends the session, gave us a lot of input on how to handle various interview scenarios. Hoping to catch up with you soon. Thanks! Best Regards,
Senior Automation Engineer – CME Group
“you really did a great job in this workshop. You have demonstrated skills and techniques to tackle common problems faced during interviews. I believed I will do a better interview after this session. 3 cheers to HK3!”
“the program allows 2-way communication where information is shared openly between your Facilitator and Participants. I loved and enjoyed the interactive small group sessions.”
“I would like to thank you for providing such a useful and interesting workshop to all of us. I really enjoyed it and it really helped me to rethink what I want both in life and work.”
“the 2-day workshop really help us to locate jobs in no time and helped us gain a lot of confidence the coming and future employment.“
“thank you for the enlightening and helpful workshop. I found the techniques you showed me very applicable to real life situations here in Singapore. They are very practical indeed. I will put them into use and let you know the outcome.”
“looking back at things, I would like to say a big thank you to HK3 for equipping me with the knowledge and technical know-how on helping me to remain employable walking down this rocky road call life employment..”
“ I found the career roadmap, visible and hidden job markets and selling yourself tips and techniques very relevant for people like us who need to look for jobs”
“thank you for your time last evening. I needed that guidance. Will keep on going till I land that job. I really enjoyed the outplacement program and it really helped me to rethink what I want both in life and work.” Thank you!”
“the sessions were useful as they provided more than what the stipulated course materials promised. They helped to inspire ‘out of the box’ ideas and suggestions/answers to solving and approaching problems through practical examples.”
“… I have learnt many things from your sessions with the lively exchanges whereby we shared ideas and values. Your methodical, slow and patient build up was very enriching which one derives satisfaction, learn and connect one’s inner beliefs through such sessions.”